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Butterfly Effect

Well Being CIO.

Charity number 1210383.

We believe that everyone suffering from mental ill health, isolation and suicidal ideation, can benefit from our services and we strive to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere that supports your personal journey to better mental health.

About Us

The Butterfly effect wellbeing Journey

Butterfly effect wellbeing was founded in 2019, by Angie and her mum Chris. Chris had suffered for many years from mental ill health and found it hard to interact with people, so Butterfly Effect was born with the idea of offering a safe space.


Donate Today!

Please can you donate to keep the groups running

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Upcoming Events

Pink Border Tea Cake Stand Set-up Tea Party Ideas Photo Collage (5).png
Colorful Illustrative Clothes Flash Sale Facebook Post (4).png
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Green and Yellow Playful Family Fun Day Flyer.png
Halloween Party Invitation (3).png
Image by __ drz __

DIY SOS has been!

BBC One's DIY SOS has finished our big build 

Book a session and come see us

Weekly Planner
Butterfly Effect WELLbeing hub, Latton Bush Center, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL


Reflexology sessions (second week, pre-booked)
7-9pm Andys Man club (exc. bank holidays)
7-8pm Gong bath £12 (alternate Weeks)

Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL

Holistic Therapy sessions (Fortnightly, pre-booked)
10.30am-12pm Walk and Talk (meet at 10.15am)
12.30pm-3pm Craft session
7- 9pm Reiki share £10 (1st Wednesday of the month)
7-8.30pm SOBS (3rd week)
7-8.30pm Drum Circle with Grant Wilson/Golden Paw £10 (4th week)

Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL

9.30-10.30am Yoga £10
11am-2.30pm Social wellbeing Group
7-8.30pm ShakTi with T (1st and 3rd)

Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL

5pm-6pm Gong Bath £12 (alternate Weeks)

Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL

9.30-10.30am ShakTi with T (2nd and 4th)
10-12.30am Gardening Group
11am-2.30pm Social wellbeing Group
7-8pm Meditation with reiki drumming £7

Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL

9.30-11am SOBS (1st week)
10.30-11.30 am Relaxation session for carers
12-2pm social wellbeing group for carers
12-2pm Social wellbeing Group
7-8.30pm Women's Gathering (1st week)
6.30-8.30pm Junk Journaling (4th week)
7-8pm Yoga £10

Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL

Butterfly Wellbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL

Latest News


Supporters and Sponsors 

So grateful

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Tai Chi

Get in Touch

At Butterfly Effect Wellbeing, we know that mental health is just as important as physical health. That's why we are dedicated to helping our clients achieve mental wellness through personalised care and support. If you would like to learn more about us, please get in touch today.

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