Weekly Planner
Butterfly Effect WELLbeing hub, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL
11am-2.30pm Social wellbeing Group
Reflexology sessions (second week, pre-booked)
7-9pm Andys Man club (exc. bank holidays)
7-8pm Gong bath £12 (alternate Weeks)
Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL
Holistic Therapy sessions (Fortnightly, pre-booked)
9.30-10.30am Yoga £10 (fortnightly)
10.30am-12pm Walk and Talk (meet at 10.15am)
12.30pm-3pm Craft session
7- 9pm Reiki share £10 (1st Wednesday of the month)
7-8.30pm SOBS (3rd week)
7-8.30pm Drum Circle with Grant Wilson/Golden Paw £10 (4th week)
Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL
9.30-10.30am Yoga £10
11am-2.30pm Social wellbeing Group
7-8.30pm ShakTi with T (1st and 3rd)
Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL
5pm-6pm Gong Bath £12 (alternate Weeks)
Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL
9.30-10.30am ShakTi with T (2nd and 4th)
10-12.30am Gardening Group
11am-2.30pm Social wellbeing Group
7-8pm Meditation with reiki drumming £7
Butterfly Effect WELLbeing Centre, The Bungalow, Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, Essex, CM18 7BL
9.30-11am SOBS (1st week)
9.30-10.30am Yoga £10
11am-12pm Relaxation session for carers
12-2pm social wellbeing group for carers
12-2pm Social wellbeing Group
7-8pm Yoga £10